What happened to the columns?

I find myself a little lost here and was wondering where the columns went? I used to love reading through the various themes and now everything seems to be orientate differently....what happened to No Sad Desk Lunch, Dinner vs Child, and cooking with/for Clara to name a few? If it is me can someone point me in the right direction?

  • Posted by: Michele
  • January 12, 2016


Lindsay-Jean H. January 12, 2016
Hi Michele, I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling lost. We're continuing to work on the best ways to help you find what you're looking for, but unfortunately, the number of columns grew to such a point that they weren't a sustainable long-term way to navigate the site.

We now have topic pages, so although it admittedly isn't the exact same, it should help you find what you're looking for (and we hope you'll also find other related things you're interested in too). For instance, here's the topic page for Not Sad Desk Lunch: https://food52.com/topics/not-sad-desk-lunch and the one for Kids: https://food52.com/topics/kids

(And Dinner vs Child has ended, you can read Nicholas Day's last post here:https://food52.com/blog/13135-don-t-cook-for-children-cook-for-people)
Michele January 13, 2016
Thank you. I will see if I can work my way around to finding what I am looking for. I do understand that the amount of information and size of the website has changed and has to grow and be adjusted. Unfortunately, I do seem to have some kind of illogical disconnect when it comes to website layouts......eg I have never been able to figure out the logic of Apples 'intuitive' layout. It isn't intuitive for me - I think have missed the tech gene. I function best with a Dewey type system. So, I will try and work through the new layout. Many thanks for your help!!
Michele January 12, 2016
That is the one part of the website I haven't tried and it does have a couple of the columns, but sadly not all. Thanks for the answer, but I wish they would put the columns back somewhere. I hate when things are tweaked.
sexyLAMBCHOPx January 12, 2016
I feel you. Try googling as well. For example, No Sad Desk Lunch and that may help. You could send this questions to the [email protected] and maybe they can provide an easier way.
sexyLAMBCHOPx January 12, 2016
The site splash page was changed. If there was a particular column you like you need to go to the "site map" and look at the titles. Now there are subject headings on the splash page and you kinda have to go digging for current and past articles. Hope this helps and if anyone knows a better way please let us know.
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