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Getting the smell out of silicone ice cube trays

Hi Hotliners,

I have some silicone ice cube trays, like the ones used at bars to make large, square ice cubes. The problem is these trays have a very plasticy smell, and the ice cubes take on the flavor, such that it alters the flavor of a drink when the cube melts fully. I have had these for over a year, washed them thoroughly in soap and water, but they still have the same smell and flavor.

It's worth noting that my normal ice cube trays don't have any issues, so it is an issue with the tray, not just "freezer smell".

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks so much!

Brady Klopfer


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Linda M.
Linda M.April 25, 2022
I haven't tried it out yet, because I don't have any hydrogen peroxide in the house at the moment, I speculate that the old skunk odor remover formula of baking soda + hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of dish washing liquid might work. For today, I'm trying the 30 minute hot soak with apple cider vinegar; if that doesn't work, I'll let you know if the other does!
TomCDecember 28, 2018
I have three different brands of silicone ice cube trays. All of them leave the ice cubes tasting of chemicals, specifically petroleum/rubber. I have done a lot of experiments with blind tasting, distilled water, etc to no avail. The taste is always present. I am continually surprised that this topic doesn't come up on more websites. I wish I could find a remedy to the problem but, at this point, I am fairly certain there isn't a remedy.
36July 12, 2022
So what was the point of your response?... O.P. was looking for answers to their problem, not a support group for people with smelly ice trays. Hahaha.

Something like this... "there are plenty of solutions online that work. Such as, soaking in things like baking soda and vinegar or just apple cider vinegar, or boiling it for an hour. Or depending on the type, alot of silicone trays can be placed the oven at temps up to 500° F...."

Not, "I also serve drinks that taste horrible, because it's better than spending $1 on new trays, or doing anything else besides dunking them in soap for a few seconds. Plus I've looked at all 1 billion sites Google gives when asking 'how to deodorize ice trays' and none of them have anyone talking about ways to clean rubber, besides the 1 way I've tried, soaking the trays in various chemicals, to get rid of that strange chemical smell, ya know?... Lol

O.P. "how do I get the smell out of my ice trays?"

You "My ice trays smell like chemicals, and no matter how many chemicals I dump on them, it won't go away! Sorry I've never stumbled across a blog or forum of others with this very specific and not common problem.... They should really make a website that you could ask a question, and it would like search the web, for websites with answers to these questions... but unfortunately Google doesn't exist, so we are just gonna have to serve shitty drinks until a news site or a podcast we listen to talks about this issue...

There's literally hundreds of thousands of websites discussing solutions, easily found by just typing "how to clean silicon ice trays into google... shit even Martha Stewart has a post about it on her website...

Anyways, when people are asking for help online, don't reply by telling them you have the same issue and no answers on how to solve it... no one cares about the fact you don't have $2 to spend on not serving drinks that taste like garbage besides the people you are punishing with your drinks. You're wasting everyone's times, you're messing up the results for people that are smart enough to Google shit(because on the search results it says there's an answer to the question, then people waste their time coming to this site, only to realize it isn't an answer to their problem, just some dude that thinks it's important other people know that he too serves friends and family chemical ridden drinks because he's too dumb to contribute...

TL;DR: Nobody cares that your ice smells, quit raising your hand in class if you don't have an answer, you're wasting everyone's time, and you look dumb replying to a question, when your answers is "duhhhh I don't know"...
dudeshutupMarch 19, 2023
My ice trays also make my water taste and smell kinda funny.
AdanDecember 1, 2023
I made an account for the sole purpose of telling you that no one cares about your stinky ice cubes either. If it was so easy to find answer to this online then your question is the biggest time waste of all.

Stinky Ice-Cube Support Group comment below. We stand in solidarity with smelly cubes .
Answer image
Foody2023December 30, 2023
You have way too much time on your hands.
Foody2023December 30, 2023
You have way too much time on your hands.
You G.
You G.June 23, 2024
Bro you serious?? You’re balling out a guy for also sharing an issue?? I was actually happy to see another person having this issue and wording it differently than the first person so I knew I was definitely not the only one with this exact chemical issue. I refuse to use them. As I can’t get the chemical taste out … buttttt I signed up just to reply to your idiocy of dogging someone for sharing issues on said topic. Get a life man. Major L.
SoosJanuary 7, 2025
The person above wrote a 1 paragraph reply to a question that added some information about tests they have done already to try to solve the issue. You then wrote an 8-paragraph response about the usefulness of certain types of comments and how this one wastes people’s time, thus wasting my time as I’m here to find out about ice trays, not to assess comment usefulness.

TL;DR check that you’re not being a hypocrite before commenting.
Foxleigh H.
Foxleigh H.October 29, 2018
I had this problem and tried everything - kitty litter, vinegar, etc. but those trays are silicone so... into the oven at 350 for 90 mins and the smell is gone. really works. you have to do it every so often but so what
NanceJuly 24, 2018
2 pars very hot water to 1 part cider vinegar. Somehow the cider works better than white for this application.
Ryan F.
Ryan F.May 7, 2018
Since I believe mine are silicone based, I am going to try putting 1 or two of them into my oven around 200 to 250 degrees for 10 to 20 mins to see if that eliminates the odor. Will report back. Gonna try this because I used to work with some silicone products In the past and they can withstand high heat. If yours are rubber, I wouldn’t heat them. Thanks, Ryan F.
marc510January 7, 2017
My silicone muffin pans picked up a lemony-soapy flavor from a run through the dishwasher, so the dishwasher-related advice isn't so helpful, but the other ideas will be worth a try. The muffins turned out pretty good -- no sticking -- but I had to cut off the crust lest they taste like soap.

Time for an alternative? Cast iron are probably too heavy to be good muffin pans (unless pre-heating is possible). Seasoned carbon steel from Mauviel?
sydneyJanuary 6, 2017
I commented on silicone earlier this week on a post when the subject came up. I suggested people look for the post and comments on kitchen silicone on the 'Wellness Mama' blog (sorry, don't have link but should be easy to find since I found it by googling 'silicone safety' or something).

I was interested because my silicone (a few different brands) smells of chemicals, and I had previously thought it was all safe. Turns out it's a gimmick like all gimmicks, that it's entirely unregulated, and the manufacturer's guidelines are really just to cover their liability in case of fires. The manufacturers are selling our wish for kitchen convenience, not kitchen health and safety. Nobody knows WHAT'S in those things.

I believe, based on reading and experience, that it's all leaching toxic chemicals into food and air (and when unstable plastic chemicals heat they are highly toxic - is there even a 'stable' plastic?). Like everyone else I thought it was fabulous, and it turns out it's a toxic gimmick. Maybe the very expensive Silpats are better...? But I really wonder.

Enjoy yours if you aren't concerned. I'm done with them. :-(
NancyJanuary 6, 2017
Scary, but useful to know. Thanks.
Olivia H.
Olivia H.July 7, 2021
I greatly appreciate this thread, and in particular your response. Common sense would suggest that if the ice cubes have absorbed a foul, chemical taste and odor that it has been leached from the silicon - pointing up that silicon is a kitchen product that warrants reconsidering. I'm tossing my trays!
JillJanuary 5, 2017
I've read that sealing one tray in a zip lock bag with natural (clay) based, or non-toxic cat litter for up to three days is very safe and effective. Wash the tray thoroughly with soap and water and then place in the dishwasher afterward. Never store them in the freezer unless you're making ice cubes. The porous surface absorbs scents in the freezer very easily and it's extremely difficult to get rid of the unpleasant smells.
cookbookchickFebruary 12, 2016
The same issue crops up all the time with the silicone gasket on some pressure cookers.
NancyFebruary 12, 2016
I had trouble getting an onion smell out of a silicone container that was supposed to be able to handle raw veg.
Found many solutions at chowhound and ehow (search & you will find)...lemon, milk, baking soda etc.
Work you way through: try one that appeals to you and if that doesn't work, try another.
Brady K.
Brady K.February 13, 2016
Thanks, Nancy, will do!
dinner A.
dinner A.February 12, 2016
That's odd -- I have a couple of the Tovolo brand ones, and while they do pick up freezer odors easily, they don't have any odor themselves. To prevent the freezer odor from accumulating, I run them through the dishwasher after a use or two; this seems to knock it back better than handwashing although it's not perfect. Maybe this would help with whatever smell the trays started with?
Brady K.
Brady K.February 13, 2016
Hmm, weird! maybe I got a bad batch? Sadly I don't have a dishwasher, but if the other tips here don't work, I'll see if I can borrow a friend's. :) Thanks for the advice!
702551February 12, 2016
I would try making a batch of vinegar water ice cubes, maybe 50% distilled white vinegar and 50% water and see if that neutralizes the odor.

A baking soda/water combo might also be useful. Also, you might consider borax. although I don't know how the latter will react with silicone (which is generally pretty non-reactive).

Good luck.
702551February 13, 2016
You'll have to read the manufacturer's instructions for temperature tolerance, but the silicone ice trays may be able to handle some heat.

You might try bringing the vinegar/water mixture to a boil, let it cool a bit (but not all the way back down to room temperature), then putting the ice trays in the hot bath.

If you do freeze the vinegar water, I would fill these to the rim, and put the tray on a sheet pan/etc. to handle spillage once the liquid expands.
Brady K.
Brady K.February 13, 2016
awesome, thank you so much! I will definitely try this.
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