I followed the recipe exactly, but had to bake it for 45 minutes. Even then, the middle was raw. The rest of it was delicious, so I'd like to know...

... how to solve this problem

Brigitte Waisberg
Louisa's Cake
Recipe question for: Louisa's Cake


aggiebaker January 8, 2021
I had this problem too and wondered if my apples were too juicy, contributing too much moisture to the batter. Thoughts?
Ben M. March 22, 2016
I agree with Smaug that the temperature of the oven is probably to blame. My oven run about 15 degrees cooler and has caused me problems before.
Gonul B. March 21, 2016
Could it be that the cake was not mixed properly? That is if the oven does not have a temperature emission problem.
Smaug March 21, 2016
Have you checked your oven temperature lately? They're highly unreliable. Did you use the pan recommended in the recipe?
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