Trying again. How make a pasta dish with a strong garlic flavour? The really stinky breath variety!

Molly Fuller


scruz March 22, 2016
smaug's answer is the secret. it is red garlic. and this time of year you might be able to find it really fresh and young. when it is fresh, it is really juicy.
Smaug March 21, 2016
No trick, just put in a lot of garlic. And be sure you don't burn it.
Smaug March 21, 2016
And, of course, use good garlic. I can't claim to have researched the subject carefully, but the small cloved, reddish garlic is usually the strongest my local markets have to offer. Elephant garlic, on the other hand, is not garlic and is pretty wishy washy. If the garlic cloves have started to dry out they will have lost a lot of flavor- they should be quite juicy. And if you REALLY want stinky breath, add it raw to the finished dish (not recommended).
Susan W. March 21, 2016
I answered you in your first post.
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