Pasta for a crowd
I am making pasta with shrimp in garlic sauce for Christmas Eve for 12 people. I'm taking it to my in-law's house and there won't be any way to reheat it on the stove or in the oven. How can I keep it warm without having the pasta dry out or the shrimp getting tough? The sauce is very light (not a traditional sauce that I could "pour" over the pasta).
I think I may try Nancy's idea and use a cooler. I've made corn on the cob in a cooler for my son's birthday and tailgates and forgot how well it keeps food warm.
I will keep the hot water in the cooler (instead of pouring it out) and put the pasta (with the shrimp) in doubled freezer bags and set them in the water.
I will let you all know how this works out.
Thanks again!
Take a regular drinks cooler, part fill with boiling water to warm it up, pour out the water, put in your pasta components, take to in-law house, recombine and serve.
If you're open to other ideas, consider a pasta dish designed to be served at room temperature, as in many a trattoria.