I started my Polenta with a spinach puree will it still puff up as normal?

1 cup corn meal-4.5 cups water-.5 cups spinach puree

Ian Gephart


Maedl March 31, 2016
DId you put the spinach in with the polenta for some reason? Sounds like you will have overcooked spinach to me--are you following a recipe?
Maedl March 31, 2016
DId you put the spinach in with the polenta for some reason? Sounds like you will have overcooked spinach to me--are you following a recipe?
pierino March 31, 2016
I agree with Maedl. Too late now, but I would have worked in the spinach when the polenta was near finished. You don't want it to be too watery. It should be spitting back at you.
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