Under Ripe Mango

I just bought a large container of pre-sliced mangoes. They looked lovely in the container and were pre-sliced, so.... Turns out, they taste sour with a bitter aftertaste. Any suggestions on how to use them? My preference would be an option that would not involve loads of sugar. Thanks Ellen

  • Posted by: EMR
  • April 27, 2016


EMR April 28, 2016
I ended up using a bit of advice from all of the answers re what to do with under ripe mangoes. I cooked up some apple pieces and the mangoes (with some dates, raisins and cinnamon sticks) in a crockpot for a base. I then used the base in a curry (with some added spices), as baby food, and in a smoothie with some toasted coconut thrown in. My family gave all versions a big thumbs up. I still want to try out the mango salad. Thanks to all of you for your ideas. Ellen
HalfPint April 27, 2016
Southeast Asians like to eat under-ripe mango with some chili & salt. We like the crunchy texture of the under ripe mango and the sour/salt/spicy combination of flavors. We also make a sauce of fish sauce, sugar and chilis to dip spears of the green mango.

Another thing that you can do is shred it and make a green mango salad. Like this one from Cambodia, https://droolfactor.wordpress.com/2015/01/18/angkor-wat-green-mango-salad-chicken-amok/

grandrivergirl April 27, 2016
If you like smoothies, you could add them.
Panfusine April 27, 2016
make them into a sweet and sour chutney, I have a version with apples, but just sub the unripe mangoes
Cav April 27, 2016
Mango Chutney is generally made (in my experience) with under-ripe mangoes, and is always on the table with Indian food in my house. Ideal suggestion.
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