Cookies had no flavor! Please help!

I baked some cookies that came out with no flavor at all. It was the tollhouse cookie recipe. I used mango flavoring instead of vanilla and light brown sugar for all of the sugar and did not put any chocolate chips in. The mango flavoring is not expired. I added another teaspoon after the first cooked batch came out flavorless. It didn't help. I didn't forget to put salt in. I don't understand where the flavor went. I have never had this happen in 50 years of baking. Please assist.



nancylewis October 7, 2022
Try setting your oven to a lower temperature just in case you're over-baking.

If you're not making a full recipe, make sure you're measuring the proper amounts.

Make sure you're using quality ingredients, and even if you are, you might want to switch up. Make sure you're using real stuff too - you can't substitute fake butter for real butter.
Alternative to Tennis Balls
KLS October 6, 2022
I would also say to use the vanilla anyway as it's what I consider a "base" flavor.
Then you can add/build different flavor profiles.
lmgraham October 6, 2022
Excellent idea, thanks!
Nancy October 6, 2022
Not sure but guessing.
Looked again at the Nestle Toll House (R) cookie recipe and see that by removing the classic chocolate and vanilla ingredients, you have basically made something close to a shortbread cookie.
The mango extract might stood out or have worked better if it were playing off another tropical flavor.
Perhaps the plain cookie is just too bland for you or not to your taste.
lmgraham October 6, 2022
Perhaps if I add the vanilla back in or maybe pineapple flavor it will be better next time... Thanks!
Nancy October 6, 2022
If you want to use a mango or pineapple extract, I might include some dried tropical fruit as an add-in - like coconut, papaya, banana etc.
Nancy October 6, 2022
Last suggestion - if you are building something with a tropical fruit base, and use alcohol in cooking, consider using rum or tequila.
Either as a replacement for the extract flavoring, or in a glaze/frosting for the cookies.
Gammy October 6, 2022
Or even Malibu Rum or Captain Morgan Rum to add a tropical base.
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