What to do with Costco size Mexican shredded cheese

Mary White


Mary W. May 31, 2016
Thanks for the help. You were right...I've gone through those two bags very quickly.
Lost_in_NYC May 26, 2016
What can't you do with the Costco bulk size? I buy these bags often and go thru them pretty quickly. Its great for salads, Mexican food (nachos especially!), chicken dishes, baked savory dishes, basically anything you would use cheddar for, use this instead.

No need to freeze it as long as it you keep in the very back of your fridge where it can stay cold. Also try not to contaminate it with dirty fingers/dirty utensils to prevent it from going bad so it has a longer shelf life.
Jr0717 May 26, 2016
I agree with Ktr - I do the same. But with Memorial Day coming up, if you are hosting, you could make lots of cheese-itz (http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/basic-cheese-straw-dough), puff pastry cheese crackers or Frico as an alternative chip option; quesadillas feed crowds as well as just one (lunch!) with no problem; or if you're in a crunch for a quick, cheesy side, mix diced potatoes,onions,bell peppers, sour cream, and some cheese, season generously, bake for ~1.5 hours, top with a generous heaping of cheese, broil, and serve with a dusting of smoked paprika.
pierino May 26, 2016
Mexican style cheese is not a good cheese for frico. It will work with simple flat breads. Top them with carmelized onions, your cheese and other meat or non-meat toppings.
Mary W. May 31, 2016
Great ideas. Thanks

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ktr May 25, 2016
Freeze it in usually portions and then take it out as needed.
Mary W. May 31, 2016
Thanks for the help.
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