Next week is my book club's annual "Cookbook Night" potluck - everyone brings a dish from a recently published cookbook. I chose to bring an entree from TENYTC - but I'm a little overwhelmed by all the options! Any suggestions? (main dish - there will be about 8 of us)



SWTorrey January 22, 2011
And the winner is....chicken with 40 cloves of garlic! Have actually never made this before, but it sounds simple and is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Plus it really is a classic NYT recipe which is what the book is all about. I'll let you know how it turns out...
melissav January 19, 2011
Love love Bademiya's justly famous bombay chile and cilantro chicken on page 471. Made it at least 5 times already; we just broil it and it turns out great.

Also, we had the Shaking Beef for dinner tonight (but with pork instead of beef) and it was pretty awesome as well.
mrslarkin January 19, 2011
Monte's Ham is ama-za-zing. I had no idea it was in Amanda's book! I originally found it in Saveur Magazine. It's the ham to kick all the other hams butts.

Oh, and I love your style, drbabs!!
betteirene January 19, 2011
Too bad David Eyre's Pancake isn't an entree. . .or is it?

So far, I've made at least 15 entrees, including Monte's Ham, Rigatoni with White Bolognese, Shrimp in Green Sauce, Carolina Chicken Bog and the ever-popular James Beard's Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic which I've been making for 40 years. Every recipe I've tried has been a keeper, but I'd suggest something a little more daring for a book club, like Bobotie or Himmelreich or Shepherd's Pie with Curried Meat.

Matt's Brisket with Tomato Gravy is next on my list. drbabs, I am so stealing your take on the Wheel of Fortune the next time I can't decide what to make for dinner.
latoscana January 19, 2011
What about the Salt-roasted Striped Bass (p 427)? It would be fun and surprising. It requires a 20-minute rest - which perhaps gives you time to get you and your dish to your party destination.
TiggyBee January 19, 2011
Southeast Asian Chicken Two Ways. Page 489. This was the first recipe that I made from the book and was so delish, I may have to revisit it soon. I love this idea and drbabs suggestions too!
drbabs January 19, 2011
I decided to just grab my copy of the book, open it up, and see where it landed. It landed on Maida Heatter's Cuban black beans and rice, page 281, which serves 8 but probably as a side dish. Next flip: Jerk Chicken, page 496, which also serves 8 but has to be grilled. (No way could I grill right now...too cold. Where do you live?) Next flip, a more wintery Matt's Whole Brisket with Tomato Gravy. Page 572, serves 10. You can even cook it ahead.

I love this idea! I may steal it for my book group also, if that's OK with you!
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