Belately making duck prosciutto for Charcutapalooza and forgot to hang the duck! Now been in salt cure ...



duckandcake January 21, 2011
Thks, Usuba Dashhi - I will take your expert advice and report back!
foongfest January 21, 2011
Awesome! Yet another Charcutapalooza challenger.
usuba D. January 21, 2011
I use to make this product, commercially, several years ago. I would suggest that you have cured it much too long and the product is going to be too salty. It is possible to soak it in cool water to extract the excess salt. . . . drying the will take a day or two longer. It may end up being an OK product to use, but will not have the flavor of a magret cured for 24 hours only. I wouldn't through them away, but I would start a fresh batch for best quality. Save these first batch for yourself to enjoy.
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