Hi. Looking for a really good recommendation for gluten-free chinese cuisine cookbook. Thanks in advance.



insecureepicure January 27, 2011
I am gluten free and I just use gluten free tamari in place of soy sauce and rice or glass noodles in place of wheat.
Chinadoll January 26, 2011
Thank you so much... Very helpful!
java&foam January 26, 2011
Chinadoll, i don't have a gluten-free (GF) chinese cookbook to recommend and my searches turned up close to zero results for cookbooks, but I did find this.

gluten-free guide to chinese food : http://bit.ly/ceYkTE

this web article by tamara duker freuman has a wealth of knowledge that you can tap on for GF chinese food. she provides suggestions on how to stock a GF chinese pantry (and where to find some of the harder to come by items), how to survive restaurant chinese food (bringing your own GF soy sauce) and even advice on recipes.

the name of a GF chinese cookbook isn't provided (possibly because the author couldn't find one since it may not exist) but did provide the name of the book she uses to cook that has many naturally GF chinese recipes as well as ways to modify some with your GF pantry to make them GF. her link to the book sends you to barnes and noble where they expect you to pay $100+ for it, but i found it on amazon for around $25 (used and new).

discounted version of the cookbook (picture below) : http://amzn.to/hlUIeJ

i hope this helps!
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