substitute maple syrup for 'hard maple syrup' or 'maple block'?

Can I directly substitute (measurement wise) maple syrup for 'hard maple syrup' or 'maple block'? I'm not really sure what those are but I wanted to make these cookies with what I've got in the house. Any suggestions?



Susan W. July 19, 2016
Because you asked a question from the recipe page, the author will receive it in an email. I see she said you can use maple syrup but provided no amount. I think 1/2 cup would be way too much liquid. Hopefully the author will respond, but if not, I'd be inclined to find the right ingredient or find a cookie recipe that calls for maple syrup. Fingers crossed that the author responds.
Atlanticgull July 19, 2016
I posted the question on the page also...just wouldn't expects a quick an answer.
Susan W. July 19, 2016
Yes, I saw that. Some people are quick to answer, some are not and some never do. It depends how active the author is on the site and how attached to their email they are.
PHIL July 19, 2016
I didn't know the recipe was from here. Shes mentions in the autor's notes : " If you can get your hands on a hard block of maple sugar, that will give you the best maple flavor. The next best option is granulated maple sugar. Liquid maple syrup produces a flat, crispy cookie rather than a more traditional oatmeal cookie flavor." The FOOD52 review also comments on it. You have to expand the notes to see all of the information.
PHIL July 19, 2016
I am guessing the hard maple stays in the cookies like chocolate chips? If that is the case the maple syrup will not give the same effect Post a picture if you have. Without seeing the cookie or the recipe it is hard to say.
Atlanticgull July 19, 2016

He's the recipe. She mentions using the regular syrup and the cookies spreading but No mention of the amount.
Nancy July 19, 2016
Phil, if - as per your later comment - recipe says one can sub maple sugar for the hard maple syrup, then no they won't keep their shape (a la choc chips).
Rather it blends with the rest of the dough & is transformed into cookies when baked.
/and looking forward to hearing from the recipe writer.
Nancy July 19, 2016
Phil, if - as per your later comment - recipe says one can sub maple sugar for the hard maple syrup, then no they won't keep their shape (a la choc chips).
Rather it blends with the rest of the dough & is transformed into cookies when baked.
/and looking forward to hearing from the recipe writer.
Nancy July 19, 2016
Never heard of it before, but found a site which sells it. Hard maple syrup looks like maple sugar I've seen elsewhere. Not sure of the replacement or substitution properties, volume, etc. Maybe write to them and ask.
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