how do you delete too much pepper in a dish your making

I put too much pepper flakes in the dish I was making and it turn out too can I calm it down?

Barbara Reyland


nutcakes August 13, 2016

If you made a serious error and it is a gross amount that no fixing will fix then you have to throw it out. If it is chili or something that freezes well, freezing seems to dampen the heat, but you will have to eat it later. If it is just a little too hot you can use yogurt or sour cream or a cooling side dish diners can spoon up to cool the tongue. If it is a lot then double the recipe, leave the chile flakes (red hot pepper) out of the 2nd batch and combine.
nutcakes August 13, 2016

If you made a serious error and it is a gross amount that no fixing will fix then you have to throw it out. If it is chili or something that freezes well, freezing seems to dampen the heat, but you will have to eat it later. If it is just a little too hot you can use yogurt or sour cream or a cooling side dish diners can spoon up to cool the tongue. If it is a lot then double the recipe, leave the chile flakes (red hot pepper) out of the 2nd batch and combine.
PHIL August 12, 2016
I guess the dish will remain a mystery.
Smaug August 11, 2016
Sugar is the most effective counter, but of course you can't add it indiscriminately. Bottom line, cooking is the real world- no delete button, no escape button. And refresh isn't awfully dependable.
sexyLAMBCHOPx August 11, 2016
This Food52 article may help you and save your dish:

Adding dairy, butter or avocado (depending on the dish)
pierino August 11, 2016
As Phil said, it's hard to answer if you don't describe the actual dish.
HalfPint August 11, 2016
Here's some tips for toning down too much pepper,
PHIL August 11, 2016
I suspect it is red pepper.
PHIL August 11, 2016
What is the dish you are making?
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