Staub Petite Oven Rice Cooker

I just used my new Staub to cook rice. While I kept it on low, I still got an alarming amount of starchy liquid dripping down the sides of the pot. Luckily, the rice came out fine, but how do I avoid this mess the next time I cook rice? The lid doesn't seal completely, so that it won't explode, but it shouldn't be doing this.

  • Posted by: Barrie
  • September 6, 2016


GirlCook October 11, 2017
Sorry to hear it wasn’t resolved Thanks for the response!
GirlCook October 10, 2017
Hi Barrie, sorry to post a comment after such a long time but wondering if you found a way to fix the problem? I’m having the same
experience with my Staub rice cooker.
Barrie October 10, 2017
Hi GirlCook. Unfortunately, the problem was never truly solved. It improved a bit by cooking on the very lowest heat possible, but I still get the mess. Although these are meant for rice, I have been using them for other things due to this issue.
Customer-Care September 7, 2016
Hi Barrie. Just wanted to add that if you continue to have trouble with this pot, please feel free to reach out the Customer Care team at [email protected] and we'll see what we can do!
Smaug September 6, 2016
I'm not sure what method you're using for the rice, but it sounds like you just have the heat too high- for steamed rice, once you have it covered the flame should be as low as possible; on some stoves a flame tamer or substitute is necessary. I usually use a piece of foil between the lid and pot to ensure the seal.
The same thing will happen with boiling pasta water if you leave it covered; I suppose the small amount of starch thickens the water enough for large bubbles to form, but I'm not a scientist.
Barrie September 6, 2016
I will check out the flame tamer. I generally have it on the lowest flame my gas stove will allow. The foil is a good idea too. Thanks Smaug!
Smaug September 6, 2016
Hope it helps- a cast iron griddle or skillet can be a good stand in for a flame tamer; things like that seem a lot harder to find than they used to be.
Barrie September 6, 2016
@HalfPint - I think the pot was the right size - I was only cooking a cup of rice. I will try the rotation method as well! Thanks again.
HalfPint September 6, 2016
This is my mother's tested method for cooking rice with any pot with a cover:
- boil (gently) the rice and water, uncovered, until the water is level with the top of the rice. You should be able to see the water bubbling right at the top of the rice.
-cover the pot and lower the heat to the lowest setting possible. Gently cook until all the water is absorbed by the rice and the rice is soft without a hard center. If the rice is still raw (white hard center), add 1-2 TB of water and stir into the pot; cover and continue to cook until water is absorbed by the rice. Repeat as needed. With a good quality rice, it should not take more than 2-4 TB of additional water to get cooked rice.
-Take the pot off heat and fluff rice with a pair of chopsticks or a fork. Serve.

This works with any pot that has a lid. The lid does not need to be tight fitting. This is my mother's way of making rice even before we got the one touch electric cooker.
Barrie September 6, 2016
Thanks HalfPint! I will try it next time. I currently use my mother's method, which involves death if you ever remove the lid. ;)
HalfPint September 6, 2016
@Barrie, you might be getting the overflow because the pot is too small for the amount of rice you want to make. Given the starchy nature rice water, overflow is almost guaranteed (especially when you put that lid on), unless you are using a large enough pot to cook the rice.

Forgot to mention earlier: once you cover the pot with the lid, you might want to rotate the pot around the heating element so get even heating. This might not be necessary if you are using a heat diffuser or your stovetop has pretty even heating (i.e. no hotspots). My mother only ever cooked with gas, so she would rotate the pot around the burner to keep the bottom of the rice from burning. So every 1 minute or so, she would move the pot around the heat source until you did a full revolution. Usually by the end of the revolution, the rice was done.
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