Cooking 1 1/2 pounds of boneless, skinless, chicken in a slow cooker. How long do I cook it for?

Lyz Ruston


Londonderrylaura September 8, 2016
I don't brine, just put in the slow cooker with salt and pepper, and set on low for 6-8 hours. If you want more flavor, you can add chopped onion, garlic, and a bay leaf. It turns out very rich. Shred with two forks right in the cooker. Use as an enchilada filling. It stores well in the refrigerator.
PHIL September 7, 2016
What exactly are you making? I make a pulled cooks for about 8 hrs on low.
PieceOfLayerCake September 7, 2016
That all depends on the size of the chicken parts, white or dark meat, the power of your slow cooker, etc. Assuming its boneless, skinless breast, I would brine it for a couple hours before even attempting a slow cook. After that....I pretty much just babysit it until its tender. I realize that defeats the benefit of using a slow cooker, but I can't stand dry chicken.
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