How much butter should be used for this recipe?

Bryce Farrell


Smaug September 9, 2016
Wow, that's a LOT of lipids. For the record, you can substitute at least 1/4 the butter with peanut butter for a standard Toll House recipe and get a pretty good PB chocolate chip cookie- might want to cut the sugar a bit too.
sexyLAMBCHOPx September 9, 2016
You use "lipids" frequently. Lipids are fatty acids. A chemistry, biology, molecular nutrition term; not used effectively for culinary terms, IMO. Perhaps using fats or oils or calling out the ingredients that you find excessive may be better understood.
Smaug September 9, 2016
That makes once that I can recall, but if you don't like the usage, ok- that's a LOT of fat. Personally, I prefer it with the alliteration- scans much better too.
702551 September 9, 2016
The recipe indicates 1 cup of butter. It is the last line item in the ingredient list.

Normally in a recipe, ingredients are listed in the order they are called for in the instructions which is why you didn't see it.
702551 September 9, 2016
Oh, it was probably added just within the hour. Anyhow, you have your answer.
The D. September 9, 2016
Bryce! I'm so sorry that I accidentally left the butter out if the recipe. You should use 1 cup of butter, softened.
702551 September 9, 2016
There's another error in the recipe. The quantity of salt is missing in the ingredients despite being mentioned in Step 2.
Susan W. September 9, 2016
I'll revise my answer. Here is the recipe directly from her blog. It calls for one cup of butter.
Susan W. September 9, 2016
Butter is mentioned in the directions, but is missing from the ingredients list. The author of the recipe will receive your question by email, so hopefully she will respond soon.
Smaug September 9, 2016
I believe the peanut butter is intended to stand in for butter- never tried this for more than about 1/4 of the butter in a cookie, but this looks to be a quite unusual recipe. You'll probably want the peanut butter pretty cold.
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