What shall I do with my lemon chillis?

I was given a lemon chilli plant as a gift and I now have an awful lot of them, with a loads more still ripening on the plant.

So far I've used them in my scrambled eggs - a nice medium heat, but not much lemon flavour.

Does anyone have any ideas of what to do with them, especially to bring out the lemon flavour?

Rachel Phipps
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Smaug September 18, 2016
Looks like a lemon drop pepper-- time to pull out your Peruvian cookbooks.
pierino September 18, 2016
I don't think you can coax out any more lemon flavor than is already there. But you might use them in combination with lemons by preserving them with lemon slices and salt. They might also work well in a homemade giardeneira.
Nancy September 18, 2016
If you have space (freezer), technology (dehydrator) and/or time (dehydrate in oven), there are ways to keep them for use until the next season.
Sorry, no ideas on bringing out the lemon flavor...
Rachel P. September 19, 2016
I don't have a dehydrator, but I do have an Aga, so I'll have a play - thanks!
Nancy September 19, 2016
Ah, an Aga!
I envy you that.
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