Will it work: Croissants or Kouigan-Amann with blitz puff pastry dough?

I was looking to make the blitz puff pastry dough recipe from Erin McDowell (https://food52.com/recipes...) but was wondering if it would work for croissants or kouigan-amann as well as the palmiers that it is suggested for?

Thanks in advance! Also, any other dessert suggestions for blitz puff pastry? I'd be adding it to the Thanksgiving spread, but already have 'traditional' covered with pumpkin pie.

  • Posted by: Jr0717
  • November 18, 2016


Erin J. November 19, 2016
I agree! You can't use it for recipes like croissants or kouignn amann because there's no yeast - but you can make quick and easy "Danish" (not true Danish, again, no yeast - but top small pieces of dough with fruit, chocolate, or jam!), as a base for fruit tarts or tarts Tatin, or in lieu of pie crust in a galette or quiche!
Jr0717 November 19, 2016
Thank you for the suggestion - I really appreciate it! I feel so foolish for even asking the question before really comparing the recipes to see that there's yeast involved in the croissant/kouigan-amann recipes.

Thank you again!
Jr0717 November 22, 2016
Hi Erin!
I am in the middle of making the recipe, and have just made the dough, but it is very sticky and wet. I'm concerned! I have it chilling for 30 minutes before the first roll-out - in your opinion, do you think that rolling it out in the flour should suffice to make it work? Or did I really mess up?

Thank you!!
Jr0717 November 18, 2016
Ahh... I understand now. I hadn't compared the recipes per se, but I see how the puff pastry won't yield the same results as the specific croissant/kouigan-amann dough. Thank you both for the suggestions! I think a fruit-centric dessert might be a nice foil to the other, heartier flavors I've got on the menu. Thank you again!
dinner A. November 18, 2016
Croissants and kouigan amann are made with a yeasted dough (although it is also laminated like puff pastry) so you wouldn't get the same flavor or texture from a puff pastry dough (blitz or regular).
Along the same lines as Nancy's suggestions, you can make just about any sort of fruit into a tart with puff pastry. Maybe cranberry, or citrus curd?
Nancy November 18, 2016
Pithiviers...a sort of hump shaped or inverted bowl shaped dessert, with an almond paste custard and sometimes fruit preserves inside (named after the central France town where it originated).
Tarte Tatin...an apple pie with puff pastry baked on top, then inverted to serve
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