How Did Your Turkey turn out?

Ours was fabulous! We have a relative who gets a turkey from their place of business as a gift. They are all organic in the truest sense....some feathers still remained that I have to remove (yuk!). It's not the most beautiful bird as they are not injected to look plump or lovely. However, once you roast them and have that first taste....heavenly! Never have I tasted a bird this delicious. Here is a photo to show it after it's been roasted. I should have taken a 'before' photo, you would never guess it is the same bird! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

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janet E. November 25, 2016
I did the Russ Parsons Judy Bird dry brine for the first time (on a 24 lb. bird as we were 16 and wanted leftovers) and everyone said it was the best turkey they ever ate. Moist, flavorful, fabulous. And I've been cooking Thanksgiving for over 40 years. And I was surprised by the amount of juice it produced for fabulous gravy.
And without the bird being dry. Highly recommend the recipe.
Susan W. November 25, 2016
I agree. It's seasoned throughout and doesn't have that wet brine texture. The Judy Bird is a great chicken too.
lena November 25, 2016
I have a double oven, top smaller than the bottom. i used the top for a spatchcocked turkey at 450. turkey was supposed to cook for 80 minutes but 15 minutes of cooking time left the breast temperature was at 180. i used a good cook brand thermometer.
for the turkey i may have gone a little overboard i used a whole stick of softened butter with herbs and seasonings and another solid stick of butter cut into cubes both stuffed under the skin along with pieces of bacon. top of the skin rubbed seasoned butter and strips of bacon. oven was smoking up a little but the turkey was cooked and not dry.
Susan W. November 25, 2016
Ours was great too. Small group, so I did a Judy Bird breast, Challah Bread pudding stuffing (thanks to Michael Ruhlman and AJ's make ahead gravy.

Totally forgot to take a photo. Not sure if it's a Kindle issue, but I can't see your photo. I usually can.
Susan W. November 25, 2016
Never mind, I can see your photo now.
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