Yesterday I slow roasted a duck using the recipe from The All New Joy of Cooking, which I noticed is more or less the same as the recipe for slow roasted duck that Merrill put up couple of weeks ago on food52. The thing is, the sking didn't really crisp, even after it had been in an extra 15 minutes. I'm doing another one today--any suggestions on getting the skin to crisp?

  • Posted by: erinbdm
  • February 7, 2011


erinbdm February 9, 2011
Yes--to me most of the point of roasting a duck is for the jar of duck fat at the end!
ChefDaddy February 9, 2011
All very good possible solutions. I would just like to add that I hope all of you are saving the wonderful duck fat. To me there is nothing better ( maybe goose) for cooking with or frying with or even cutting into dough. But, if it's not your thing I understand. I strain rendered fat through layers of cheese cloth and sometimes roll it like ice box cookies or just put it in a jar in the fridge like some people do with bacon fat. Also, I like to to leave mine unwrapped in the fridge ( safely) to air dry and start with high heat to render the fat and then turn it down to a med. temp and then a low temp. This leaves me with nice crisp skin and juicy meat.
amysarah February 7, 2011
My mom does a really crisp roast duck (very similar technique - pricking skin, etc.)

Part of the trick seems to be making sure the skin is very dry before roasting. She dries it thoroughly with paper towel, then lets it air dry on a rack for several hours in a cool room. Also re-prick the skin multiple times during roasting.
Greenstuff February 7, 2011
I've had the same issue, generally with a large duck with lots of fat. I've given it a blast of heat at the end, and that works fairly well. Alternatively, I used to follow an opposite method, giving it the blast of heat at the beginning, immediately turning the heat down when I put the duck in the oven. I've been meaning to do a little research into the differences between the two options. Anyone know?
jwolfsthal February 7, 2011
you may need to either calibrate your oven temperature or up the temp in your oven. Ovens can be off by 25-50 degrees, depending on model and type and it makes a big difference. Also, being sure you have punctured the skin enough to let the fat render out is another important step. Without that, the skin will stay too wet with fat and won't oven fry, which is essentially what you are doing.
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