Hi, I'm doing research on chocolate bars. need help.

I'm doing research on chocolates with hydrogenated fats. I'm doing some experiments, but I can't make it very hard like the compound chocolates on market. please, how do I make a compound chocolate that is hard enough. thanks.

  • Posted by: Tanlinac
  • December 26, 2016


HalfPint December 28, 2016
There appears to be a book called Fats in Food Technology which has a 'recipe' for making compound chocolate with alternative trans fats (their words, not mine). Here's a link, https://books.google.com/books?id=onKk6rYsXrYC&pg=RA1-PA183&lpg=RA1-PA183&dq=compound+chocolate+recipe&source=web&ots=r6eE90ffUB&sig=JmTrp3jHzLY275ABkyuOWKJm9uY&hl=en#v=onepage&q&f=false

From what I could figure out from the small extract of the book, compound chocolate is made by substituting another fat for the cocoa butter in the chocolate. It makes for a harder and cheaper chocolate confection. Hope this helps your research.
HalfPint December 28, 2016
Also found this helpful guide to compound chocolate which specifies what alternative fats to use in place of the cocoa butter.

Tanlinac January 2, 2017
hey thanks, I'll look on those. I give you an update on my reseach.
BerryBaby December 27, 2016
Have you tried doing a search online? I honestly have no idea, but it sounds like an interesting project. Good luck! BB
Tanlinac December 27, 2016
all I can see online is about cocoa butter. I managed to get the right texture through tempering with cocoa butter. But I don't know if cocoa butter is replaced by hydrogenated fat. I managed to make some snappy chocolates but when they're just in 15 to 16 degree centigrade. when the temperature go up to 20 to 25 it becomes softer.
Nancy December 27, 2016
Or search in a library for food chemistry texts.
Nancy December 27, 2016
Or consult your extension service (if you live in an American county with such a thing).
Tanlinac December 27, 2016
Well I tried, but no luck on chemistry books, nothing says about the techniques on processing hydrogenated fats.
Nancy December 27, 2016
Last suggestion, chocolate makers in your area to consult?
Tanlinac January 2, 2017
Truth is, the only chocolate makers here is those big manufacturing companies.
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