it looks like quite a few people have tried these, what temperature do you like to serve these at?

Stuffed Pears en Papillote
Recipe question for: Stuffed Pears en Papillote


caninechef January 31, 2017
I have made these twice in the last week and am scheduled to make them again in 2 weeks. If the goal is to impress these really do the trick. I did a test run with a few pears and then prepared these Sunday for a lunch group. These got the biggest reception of anything I have ever made. So much so that I am basically required to bring them again in 2 weeks because a lunch regular was missing on Sunday. My only problem is it is not easy to butter a pealed pear. For reference for anyone interested, I prepared these in the early AM and then baked them on site about 3 hours later. Worked perfectly, served warm with vanilla ice cream.
QueenSashy January 19, 2017
My preference is slightly warm when served on their own. If you are serving with ice cream, perhaps a tiny bit warmer, to allow ice cream to melt, and it will be heavenly.
caninechef January 19, 2017
I would have to bake these and drive them about 40 minutes to lunch, probably a 3 hr difference between baking and eating. I can oven warm them on site. My other candidate is
Lindsay-Jean H. January 19, 2017
I know you asked for feedback from people who have tried this recipe, but I'm throwing my two cents in that I prefer baked/poached fruit served warm rather than room temp.
caninechef January 19, 2017
Thanks, I am trying to evaluate this recipe as a candidate as a contribution to a pot luck meal.
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