Chestnut flour in NYC

Has anyone seen chestnut flour in a store in New York City recently? My local Whole Foods does not carry it anymore. I was hoping to use it this weekend and ordering online is not an option. Thanks!



PHIL January 20, 2017
chestnut pasta is delicious. Maybe a trader joes? Do they have any in NYC?
QueenSashy January 20, 2017
Found it in Buon Italia. Thank you all!
amysarah January 19, 2017
Todaro Brothers might well have it - on 2nd Ave. around 31st, across from NYU med center.
Windischgirl January 19, 2017
Thank you, thank you! I loved your post as well. Will seek out some robiola!
Windischgirl January 19, 2017
Wow. Have a good recipe?
QueenSashy January 19, 2017
This is the recipe I like to make in the winter. It's super simple, and robiola and chestnut pasta make a splendid match.
Windischgirl January 19, 2017
BTW, what are you planning to make? I have some I'd like to use up (after a disappointing attempt at Castagnaccio).
QueenSashy January 19, 2017
I am making pasta. I love chestnut pasta.
Windischgirl January 19, 2017
Try Eataly, since it is commonly used in Italian cooking and baking. And Kalustyan's, of course.
pierino January 19, 2017
If you can't find it at Eataly it doesn't exist.
Nancy January 19, 2017
Kalustyan's seems to have it.
ChefJune January 19, 2017
The last time I purchased it, it was a Bob's Red Mill product in the baking section of the Tribeca Whole Foods. Williams Sonoma stores might have it in their specialty foods section, or maybe Agata & Valentina, the Italian specialty food store on the Upper East Side.
QueenSashy January 19, 2017
Thank you! I used to buy it in Tribeca WF, but no luck on the last couple of trips. Will check Agata & Valentina, they also have a store close to NYU.
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