Icing (not filling) eclairs in advance?

I'm making eclairs for a shower that starts at 11am, so I'd like to do as much as possible in advance. I definitely plan to fill them the morning of the shower so they don't get soggy, but I'm wondering if I could get away with icing the baked, unfilled pate a choux the night before? Do you think the icing would make them soggy / would they collapse without the structural support of the filling?

ariel a
  • Posted by: ariel a
  • January 20, 2017


BerryBaby January 20, 2017
I think they would get soggy. I agree with PieceOfLayerCake.

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PieceOfLayerCake January 20, 2017
I wouldn't ice them in advance, but everything can be made, separate, in advance. The morning of, you can fill them and ice them in succession. It shouldn't take too long.
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