Preserved lemons in everything!

Moving alllll the way across the country and have about 2 QUARTS to use up! I made them forever ago because they're gorgeous and smell so amazing but have been terribly neglectful at using them. Now I've got 4 weeks--waste not! Please help me with with your best ideas! I know this topic has been touched many a time on this site but thought it wouldn't hurt to rekindle! :) Please and thanks!

  • Posted by: asbrink
  • January 30, 2017
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QueenSashy February 10, 2017
You can use them in vinaigrette.
Lost_in_NYC February 2, 2017
- Rinse, chop, and stir into Greek yogurt for an extra citrus kick!
- Use in coucous
- Use in some kind of cake/pound cake/dessert combo but make sure to really rinse all that salt off!
asbrink February 7, 2017
Ooh, when you say pound cake + lemon, I immediately think of a gorgeous loaf blanketed with a glaze...with little bits of chopped up preserved lemon mixed in? Hmmm...
Victoria T. February 1, 2017
Blueberry pancakes! Yes really - just make sure they're well-rinsed and very finely chopped!
Nancy February 1, 2017
Wow! Would never have thought of this combo, but it sounds great. Have the lemons and pancake fixings, just have to get me some blueberries to try rhis.
asbrink February 7, 2017
Agreed! OR, mixed into some savory pancake batter? Latkes or broccoli fritters??
aargersi January 31, 2017
I love preserved lemons in risotto - just lemon and parmesan and maybe a little cream or something.
You could do a preserved lemon olive oil poached fish, that seems like it would be pretty delicious!
Always happy to eat pan roasted chicken, if you added preserved lemon, maybe some fennel and olives and a splash of wine - easy weeknight dinner there. Um - oh braised lamb shanks (seasonallly appropriate!) with preserved lemon and olives, a cinnamon stick, some tomatoes and red wine - that would be great!
They could brighten up and sort of lentil or chickpea stew thing, add in some dark leafy greens and chopped vegetable. Oh they could be roasted with squash or sweet potatoes too.

I think I have a half a jar in the back of the fridge and now I feel like pulling them out
aargersi February 1, 2017
Did my due diligence last night with very good results! Browned two boneless skin-on chicken breasts in olive oil (skin side only, iron skillet) - set aside. Added thinly sliced yellow onion to the pan and deeply caramelized. Starred in a minced preserved lemon (pulp and peel) and added a generous amount of white wine. Laid the chicken on top, ground pepper over the whole thing, and finished in a 375 oven for about 25-30 minutes. It was delicious! And easy!
asbrink February 7, 2017
Oh my goodness, risotto and fish and lamb and sweet potatoes, you're hitting all of my favorite things. I was thinking about making a compound butter with the lemons--seems like I could then pair that with all these things!
AntoniaJames January 31, 2017
This chicken with Israeli couscous:

Or, for a simpler chicken (this one roasted), ;o)
asbrink February 7, 2017
Can't go wrong with a chicken pairing! You know, I was thinking about doing a whole roast and taking the normally unused pulp from a couple of lemons and shoving that in the cavity, Marcella-style. Do you think that would be terrible?
creamtea January 30, 2017
Guacamole; cold salads (just had one the other day with butter lettuce, tomatoes and poached egg on top), chicken with olives (of course), garnish for chickpea stew (aka lablabi).
asbrink February 7, 2017
Ooh I could see them being a really great contrast to the creamy dressing in a Caesar! And guac is genius, and so easy! These are must-do's, thank you!
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