What is the best site or program for making a family cookbook with pictures??
I would like to make a cookbook of family recipes for mother's day. I had in mind recipes illustrated with a picture of the family member associated with them "Grandma's apple pie" etc. Can anyone recommend a website that is inexpensive, but produces high quality images? I only want to print 2, but I would like other family members to be able to order one if they choose...
I want to do this as well.
Blurb is still good but you can also check out this reference: https://everpresent.com/family-recipes-heirloom-cookbooks/
Unfortunately, they went by the wayside as did my collection of recipes I was assembling for my 2nd edition. I've never found another of equal quality that contains divider tabs and removable pages like TasteBook. If anyone knows of an equal, please let me know!
We had some issues with using a black background for the books though. There were streaks on some of the pages. We did get replacement copies without much of an issue. If you make your book with a white background, you shouldn't have the same issue we had.