I have oranges and I have miso caramel sauce. Do I have dessert?
I made the miso caramel sauce from this site (sugar, water, cream, miso). I was planning to use it as the base for a panna cotta, but my milk is bad. I have a bag of Cara Cara oranges and am looking for a way of using the oranges and caramel sauce. Most of the recipes I find online for caramelized oranges call for using orange juice in the caramel (too late) or at the very least just sugar and water and no cream. I am thinking of peeling and slicing the oranges and laying them on top of caramel sauce and roasting them for a bit. Any reactions to that plan? Other suggestions? This is for tonight but also for the future.
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slice the oranges (leave peel on),
grill briefly (in oven, on outdoor grill or in sandwich press)
serve with warmed caramel miso.
Vanilla ice cream optional.