how long to steam 2lbs. of green beans?
ChefJuneApril 18, 2017
It all depends upon how well you like your green beans cooked. There is no rule. For me, if they are still "bright green," likely they are undercooked. I like my beans well cooked but still with a teensy bit of crunch.
MMHApril 17, 2017
Just for information - check out Alton brown. He hAs a long sciency reason why you should boil them in lots of water.
NancyApril 16, 2017
I was going to say shortest time possible until they turn bright green, or slightly less if you intend to reheat.
If not serving asap, shock in ice water to immediately stop cooking.
Briefly reheat to serve with main and/or a sauce.
If not serving asap, shock in ice water to immediately stop cooking.
Briefly reheat to serve with main and/or a sauce.
KatherineApril 16, 2017
Until they are nice a bright green! Taste test to see if they are done to your liking, and remember they will continue to cook as they sit in the serving bowl.
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