What are your favorite uses for fromage blanc?

Picked up a couple containers at the supermarket because it was on sale; I'm a sucker for markdowns! Think I'll make a flammeküchen with one container, but not sure about the other. Open to sweet or savory.
Ideas? Suggestions?



PieceOfLayerCake May 21, 2017
Tartine has a fromage blanc bavarian recipe that's pretty delicious, especially when apricots are in season. It's cheesecake-y but much lighter.
Windischgirl May 21, 2017
Thanks, PLC! Tartine is sitting right on my bookshelf...
Nancy May 21, 2017
As a snack or part of lunch.
With tomatoes.
With a garnish of jam or fresh fruit
Spread on dark bread (pumpernickel or black rye) with lashings of smoked paprika or freshly ground pepper and a side dish of radishes
In a kugel (noodle pudding) with either raisins & sugar or mushrooms and spring onions
Windischgirl May 21, 2017
Savory noodle kugel sounds really yum! Thanks, Nancy!
Nancy May 21, 2017
Here are two savory kugel versions which are good templates, one a riff on a standard sweet Ashkenazi kugel, one on Italian maccheroni frittata:
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