Savory bake sale inspiration?
This will be an all day event so whatever I end up making will need to be able to stand at room temperature for several hours. I'd like to have a variety of offerings to accommodate different diets (gluten-free, nut-free, vegetarian, vegan etc.) So far the only things I can think of are very carb heavy, (pretzels, focaccia, biscuits, scones etc.) so points for anything that contains a vague notion of a vegetable or protein.
Good Luck!
(and no, I have no affiliation or connection to this website or Gold Medal flour—I was just so happy to have found it I thought others might appreciate the info)
PS: I’ve included a pic I found on google below if you decide to go with granola bars—the packaging is cute, but obviously not the only option. Also, regarding granola bars’ cost, I agree with C Sangueza, the overhead cost of nuts and dried fruits can be prohibitively expensive. But, there are ways to get around this issue: 1)always BUY NUTS IN BULK at a place like Costco, or 2)always CHECK FOR SALES at the dry goods bins section at your local grocery/co-op/health food store (basically, where there’s high turnover so nuts are fresher)—several bin items are usually on sale, so keep your eyes peeled for bargains and (assuming it’s a whole grain), then go home, dump into ziplock, seal it, and freeze. 3) Nuts are CHEAPER when bough WHOLE and UN-TOASTED and preferably, UN-SALTED—they’ll stay fresher, toast more evenly whole, and of course, the nuts will be cheaper
4) depending on the nut, the price can vary widely, so CHOOSE YOUR NUT MIXTURE WISELY; 5) make a large batch at once and you can FREEZE THE LEFTOVERS; or 6) If it’s a good recipe, plan on making the bars frequently not just for selling, but also for yourself and family; granola bars make a HEALTHY BUT YUMMY TO-GO BREAKFAST OR SNACK FOR YOURSELF/PARTNER/KIDS.
If all else fails, Trader Joe’s prices are pretty decent, assuming you don’t need 20 lbs of pecan and macadamia nuts ; )
Some ideas to make it savory: add nutritional yeast and chopped up sun-dried tomatoes, press spiced pumpkin seeds into the top before refrigerating, add chopped pretzels or favorite flavor of chip, etc.
They give the satisfaction of crunch and saltiness (moderate) without going crazy.
Also, some kind of clafouti or other pastry with lots of fruit, in individual portions (small cardbord cups).
Sweet potato cake with optional icing (so there's fiber & nutrients from the veg)
Pain d'epices. A French spice cake which can last all day and be relatively low in sugar. Optional nuts. Similary, British gingerbread and Jewish honey cakes (seasonal now for Rosh Hashanah). All have spices & some sweetener, which can be reduced.