I want to buy a kitchen torch? Any ideas on brands? Thrifty to expensive torches will be considered. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.

Phillie Filly


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PieceOfLayerCake July 16, 2017
Any brand that markets a torch as a "kitchen torch" is probably selling you something that's underpowered and overpriced. I have a $50 creme brûlée torch that isn't worth a damn. Since I use a torch often, I went to Walmart and bought a Bernzomatic propane torch for half the price. Its larger than kitchen torches, and thus can be a little intimidating, but its easy to use, safe and lasts so much longer. It also does the job so much better. I would never buy a kitchen torch again.
HalfPint July 17, 2017
To follow up on this, you can go to any hardware store and get Bernzomatic propane torch for ~$10-$15. Splurge a little on the torch head for better flame control (probably another $25, but still gets you under the price of that fancy-schmancy creme brulee torch, that isn't worth a damn).

A few years, someone posted about wanting a torch but couldn't figure out how to get it back to Africa without it being confiscated and of course, sourcing of the propane when/if it made it home. Someone suggested heating a metal spoon and using that o brulee sugar. Apparently, it worked wonderfully. Which makes sense, after all, how did they do it before gas ovens, electricity, and propane torches?
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