Hi Merrill and Amanda, a wee while ago I was looking at a very interesting article (with many recipes inlcuded)....the writer/chef was of east indian

Can you help me out? I would love to find that site again.....she went in great detail how her mother, grandmother, relatives made the recipes, where they originated from, and what spices go with what? Hope i am making sense and hope you can help a fellow foodie out! Thanks very much and have a great day!
J-Dizzle :o)

  • Posted by: J-Dizzle
  • February 23, 2011


J-Dizzle February 25, 2011
Oops Thank you MaryMary Culinary!! Cheers.
J-Dizzle February 25, 2011
Hi Merrill,
THANKS SO MUCH! It was the Spice Spoon! Thanks for the new site: The Spice Diary. Have a good weekend!
MaryMaryCulinary February 24, 2011
Could it be either of these? Both are Food52 cooks with blogs:
J-Dizzle February 24, 2011
hi again, it was a related article linked (if I remember correctly, it was webpage....) to a curry recipe - well travelled lady, east indian descent, humerous and detailed story/ monologue attached to each recipe (she also had very good knowledge of assorted spices/herbs)...I'm going back through my 'tagged' recipes from your site, and hopefully I will find her recipes/webpage again. Thanks for inspiring me with your wonderful recipes and webpage! Have a good day.
Merrill S. February 23, 2011
It would help to have a bit more info -- can you remember any of the recipes? And was this a magazine or newspaper article?
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