What can you do with extra mint and cilantro? Can it be frozen as a chutney or pesto?

I have about 5 or 6 cups or mint leaves and 2 or 3 cups of cilantro. I would really like to do something like frozen pesto. Any ideas?

  • Posted by: lloreen
  • February 25, 2011


pauljoseph February 25, 2011
above recipe instead of common salt use Kala Namak or Black Salt ( is a special type of Indian mineral salt.)
pauljoseph February 25, 2011
Make a mint cilantro chutney and bottle and keep it in the fridge ( below the freezing point of water ).http://www.indiasnacks.com/recipe/290/Fresh-Cilantro-And-Mint-Chutney.php
tizzle February 25, 2011
Pesto or a chimichurri sauce (similar to pesto, minus the cheese). You could also freeze them in an ice tray and pull out little cubes here and there to use if you want to brighten up a marinade, stir fry, pasta, etc.
tizzle February 25, 2011
Pesto or a chimichurri sauce (similar to pesto, minus the cheese). You could also freeze them in an ice tray and pull out little cubes here and there to use if you want to brighten up a marinade, stir fry, pasta, etc.
susan G. February 25, 2011
There's a delicious Asian Pesto in The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook, and I've seen variants in other sources.
aargersi February 25, 2011
absolutely, I freeze loads of pesto every summer ... you could make a cilantro / mint / lime / garlic sort of pesto and what I do is scoop it into snack sized ziplocks, make sure NO air is in there, and stack them in the freezer.
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