Something has gone wacky with your search engine! When I try to search (for anything) within my recipe collection it says "no results." help!
Customer-CareAugust 11, 2017
Hello! This is Natalia from the Customer Care team. I've written to you directly about this to get a few more details :).
JackieWright-MartinAugust 12, 2017
In my "favorites" collection, when I search for anything (like tofu or pancakes etc) it says "no results were found." No matter what I put. I have many tofu recipes saved and have searched for them in the past with no problems.
SMSFAugust 11, 2017
I'm having the same issue. (My recipes are all in my Favorites.)
Customer-CareAugust 11, 2017
Hello there! I have written to you directly also.
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