Does anyone have an updated version of classic 60's desserts that would be great for a picnic?

Christopher Churmusi


Picholine September 23, 2017
Apple and cherry pies always a picnic item at my family picnics!(any fruit pie that can sit out for a while)
ChefJune September 23, 2017
I like pie for picnic desserts, too. Peach is my favorite.
Maedl September 7, 2017
Here's another '60s classic salad: stained glass salad, complete with Jello, Dream Whip, and a graham cracker crust:
Maedl September 7, 2017
Here's a recipe for a lime Jello 'salad'. This is a great example of the odd way salads were interpreted in the 1950s and 1960s--slap a leaf of iceberg lettuce on a plate, toss something sweet on top, add a blob of mayonnaise, and call it a salad. Minus the lettuce leaf and the mayonnaise, this would be a decent dessert.
Maedl September 7, 2017
Here's a recipe for a lime Jello 'salad'. This is a great example of the odd way salads were interpreted in the 1950s and 1960s--slap a leaf of iceberg lettuce on a plate, toss something sweet on top, add a blob of mayonnaise, and call it a salad. Minus the lettuce leaf and the mayonnaise, this would be a decent dessert.
Matti N. September 6, 2017
Anything with Jell-O. My family still brings this strawberry-Jell-O-pretzel-Cool-Whip thingy to picnics. Google it. It's actually really good.
dinner A. September 5, 2017
Angels' food cake, updated with roasted sugar (the link for the cake recipe is at the bottom of the article about roasting sugar):

Pineapple upside down cake isn't bad in its 60's incarnation, but using fresh pineapple instead of canned would definitely be a step up. Here's a recipe from Flour Bakery in Boston -- they are particularly good at this sort of homey American dessert:
Nancy September 5, 2017
You had me until picnic.
Here's a list of some popular desserts...only you can tell if you have the equipment to present these on a picnic.
BerryBaby September 5, 2017
A classic and picnic perfect, 7-Layer Bars. Do a search online and many versions pop up. Really easy to make and transport.
Lindsay-Jean H. September 5, 2017
One option for you:
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