What are good ways to use sunchokes?



swshipman September 21, 2010
Made a wonderful risotto with sunchokes; a recipe from Joe's Restaurant (Venice, CA).
Ophelia September 20, 2010
I love making quick pickles with them, just slice them thin and add a little sugar and some rice vinegar. Or just add them julienned raw into salads.

In North Carolina (probably elsewhere too) they make a spicy and sweet pickle with them that I've been trying to replicate for years.
TheWimpyVegetarian September 19, 2010
I'm a big soup girl, so I use them for a sunchoke soup. I've got one of my sunchoke recipes here on food52: http://www.food52.com/recipes/3051_sunchoke_lemongrass_and_leek_soup. And I agree with what fozziebayer says - very good substitute for potatoes.
fozziebayer September 18, 2010
Anything you would do with potatoes, you can do with sunchokes. I like to toss in olive oil, s&p, and roast or crisp cook in a pan with some oil a la homefries.
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