Piglet 2018..?

Hey y'all! So... What's up with the 2018 Piglet? Are we doing community picks? Is it happening soon? Is it already happening? I feel like I can never find the deets and I don't want to miss the boat!

Zoe Rose Friesen


Effie February 7, 2018
I'm looking forward to it.
Suzanne D. February 7, 2018
Me too, Effie! We have some great judges this year...can't wait to share this year's Piglet with everyone.
Suzanne D. November 26, 2017
Hi Zoe, I'm so glad you're looking forward to the Piglet. (I am too!) We're working hard on it now for Spring 2018. More details to come!
702551 November 25, 2017
Although my familiarity with The Piglet is decidedly limited, I believe we're several months away from watching the tournament.

Book nominations from the community are usually solicited at the end of the year.

The actual tournament starts in late February (a little bit before the NCAA basketball tournament, after which this cookbook competition is modeled).

Of course, the Food52 staff could change the schedule but I believe that's what has happened in recent years.
Zoe R. December 2, 2017
Yes! Since the end of the year is approaching rapidly I was wondering if community picks were happening soon! Thanks for your reply!
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