I'm searching for a particular bread recipe. I was young so all I know about it is that someone starts it then keeps passing it on.

If I am not mistaken I think it was some kind of sweet bread.

  • Posted by: Whatever
  • November 30, 2017


Whatever December 1, 2017
ktr...Thank you soooo much, your link led me to exactly what I have been searching for! I really appriciate your time and professionalism.
Please ignore the identical copy of my tag, it is there by accident.
Whatever December 1, 2017
Please Let me reiterate, someone makes the receipe (which I do not know what that receipe is, that is what I am searching for) and then the person that makes the receipe passes some of that already made dough, if you will, to another person. The second person leaves this dough in the refridgerator, adding x ingriedent(s) each day, for example, three days adding x each day and on the third day it can be baked. Before baking you take so much of it and pass it on to someone else who wants to do the same. That is the best way I can explain it, I hope someone can recognize and know about this receipe because it sure is worth the pass! Thanks for your time :)

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ktr November 30, 2017
I believe what you remember is called friendship bread. I remember it from when I was a kid too. I think there are several recipes for it because some tasted different than others.

A google searches found this one https://www.friendshipbreadkitchen.com/amish-friendship-bread-starter/

Good luck!
Whatever December 1, 2017
ktr...Thank you soooo much, your link led me to exactly what I have been searching for! I really appriciate your time and professionalism.
Please ignore the identical copy of my tag, it is there by accident.
Whatever November 30, 2017
Please Let me reiterate, someone makes the receipe (which I do not know what that receipe is, that is what I am searching for) and then the person that makes the receipe passes some of that already made dough, if you will, to another person. The second person leaves this dough in the refridgerator, adding x ingriedent(s) each day, for example, three days adding x each day and on the third day it can be baked. Before baking you take so much of it and pass it on to someone else who wants to do the same. That is the best way I can explain it, I hope someone can recognize and know about this receipe because it sure is worth the pass! Thanks for your time :)
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