Fav Deep Dish Pizza Fillings, without cheese?

We're having a mix of friends over for a party and one of them is "low dairy" because she's nursing. We're planning on doing a few deep dish pizza pies (have you tried the King Author recipe? AMAZING!) and was curious to know what your favorite cheese-free combos are. Looking forward to trying a few! Thanks all!

  • Posted by: Jen
  • December 14, 2017


PHIL December 15, 2017
Hi Footnotes, I haven't tried the zucchini butter , thanks for the tip. I'm making pizza also this weekend. Good luck with your party.
ChefJune December 15, 2017
We love to fry eggplant and make "Eggplant Parm" pizza, but you'd need cheese for that one. Cheeseless, I'd recommend tomato sauce and crumbled sausage. I'd mix that sausage with chopped, browned onions and garlic. Fabulous without the cheese!
Jen December 15, 2017
Eggplant parm pizza would be divine! I'm going to have to try that one day!
PHIL December 15, 2017
Here are a few ideas - white clam pizza, just clams garlic, peperoncino & olive oil, maybe a little grated Parmesan . Sliced potatoes , thinly sliced and layered with some thyme, olive oil and garlic. grated zucchini , just grate , squeeze out the excess water, season a bit and you're good to go. grilled veggies (like eggplant) with a splash of balsamic and lemon. Good luck!
Jen December 15, 2017
I love potatoes on pizza! And while I've done a ton with grated zucchini in the past (have you seen/tried the zucchini butter recipe on this site? yum!), I've never considered them on pizza. Great idea!
MMH December 14, 2017
You could use pesto
Nancy December 14, 2017
A set-up idea. If you are going to have several pizzas anyway, consider presenting them as a pizza bar...
*dough, already rolled out, or participants can do
*basic sauces, say one each red and another color
*toppings, sauteed or roasted veg, cured meats, poached or smoked seafood
Pop in a hot oven for a few minutes, and everyone has a customized dinner.
Have a few garnishes out...good olive oil, hot sauce, fresh herbs to sprinkle, others to your taste.
Jen December 15, 2017
Ooh! That's a great idea! I think we'll save it for another night... these pies are huge so we only make two and they serve the whole party!
Lindsay-Jean H. December 14, 2017
These aren't deep dish recipes, but the toppings still might provide some inspiration: https://food52.com/recipes/16573-meyer-lemon-focaccia, https://food52.com/recipes/25728-za-atar-carrot-and-leek-flatbread-with-almonds-and-fennel-salad, and (minus the cheese) https://food52.com/blog/16355-why-salad-pizza-should-be-the-next-big-thing
Jen December 14, 2017
Thank you! Nice seeing you here, too! (I'm in the cookbook club.)
The Meyer lemon recipe got me thinking about favorites ... my friend's favorite food is eggplant. In Genius there's that let-my-eggplant-go-free recipe that might work really well as a filling (so long as I can make sure it's dry enough). Hmm....
Lindsay-Jean H. December 14, 2017
Hello hello! And I love eggplant on pizza, good thought with the Genius recipe!
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