Can i refidgerate rasin oatmeal cookies overnight when recipe calls for 2 hrs

Caren Lynn Nelson Langness


Liz B. January 8, 2018
yes no issues, although there might be a small loss in volume because once you mix baking powder with wet ingredients it starts to react and I don't know how long it stays active. Dough will also be stiffer to portion for baking, but not impossible.
Stephanie G. January 2, 2018
Yes, you should be fine overnight. I make cookie dough and bake from it all week. I have chocolate chip cookie dough in the fridge right now. We are spoiled to freshly baked cookies.
AntoniaJames January 2, 2018
I roll oatmeal cookie dough into cookie-size balls, freeze them separately on a baking sheet, and then wrap 6 or 8 together with a piece of parchment the size I need for baking that number, and pop it into a freezer bag. When we want cookies, the parchment's all ready and by the time the oven is hot, the dough balls have usually thawed enough to press slightly onto the baking sheet before popping into the oven. ;o)
creamtea January 2, 2018
yes, you can roll the dough into a log, wrap it in wax paper and slice and bake it; you can freeze a portion too, if you want, and just bake a few at a time. It's pretty forgiving dough.
Niknud January 2, 2018
I encourage overnight chilling! I'm sure there's some science behind it, but I think when the butter has a chance to solidify again, cookies tend to be chewier and retain their shape better.
HalfPint January 2, 2018
I don't see why not. In fact, they might taste even better.
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