can i refry chilli chicken after 5 hours



Nancy January 14, 2018
Worry that two full frying sessions may overcook the chicken, and make it tough.
Maybe just prepare the pieces, store in fridge, fry just before serving.
Or do light classic French fried potatoes. Fry lightly once, drain and hold. Then fry again just before serving.
If your main purpose is warming up the chicken, won't heating it in the sauce usually served with Indian-Chinese chili chicken do that job? In that case, fry only once.
Nancy January 14, 2018
should read: "or do like classic French fried potatoes"
sexyLAMBCHOPx January 13, 2018
Sure, I would to quickly warm up on high heat. Was this for left-overs?
kirthika January 14, 2018
Prepare beforehand and after 5h to serve it hot and crispy, so if I refry the chili chicken will the texture turns out to be hard?
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