
I am as green as can be when it comes to making soup, but I am going to give it a try.
Over a few months I have "dumped" beef and chicken bones in the freezer (most with very little meat), but there is 1/2 of a rib-eye (50% meat / 50% fat), a whole chicken with a fair bit of meat.
I plant to add other vegetables that need to be consumed soon (celery, onion, kale, bell peppers, potatoes and even some fruity tomatoes). And of course some seasoning ... chilly peppers, garlic powder, a little salt and some pepper.
Question 1: Am I missing anything?
Question 2: Is 24 hours of simmering sufficient?
Should the meat (some raw) simmer longer than the vegetables?

  • Posted by: NewCook
  • October 21, 2017


Dona October 22, 2017
Even better, it’s written by Samin Nosrat!
MMH October 21, 2017
Look at some recipes for beef broth, chicken broth and veggie broth. Broth is a different animal than soup. Broth is the base of many good things. You can freeze it and use it for a variety of purposes. If you are inexperienced, I wouldn't waste your ingredients and time by winging it do some reading first
MMH October 22, 2017
Today's NY Times features an article: How to Make Soup.
SKK October 21, 2017
The question is what are you wanting to accomplish? What flavors do you want? Sounds like you have the ingredients for two great base broths - beef and chicken. Roast beef and chicken separately, including bones. Then put bones in water, add aromatics (onions, garlic, couple of carrots and some celery) and simmer slowly for a couple of hours. Strain and refrigerate.

Now you have your base, you can use it to add vegetables and potatoes of your choice. Soup is not about throwing everything in the pot and simmering. Meat will get tough, kale and bell peppers overcooked will leave a bitter taste. Separate seasonings, broth and vegetables and don't throw them all in the pot together.

Check recipes out - that is how we all learn to cook.
Search soup recipes at Food52.

Hope this helps!

Nancy October 22, 2017
SKK makes several important points...but one I want to highlight is cooking the meat first, before adding water. She suggests roasting. Another method is to sear or saute the meat in fat in your big soup pot before adding water, vegetables & aromatics.
Both methods develop lots of flavor in soup (or stock).
If you don't cook the meat first, the soup can taste like something bland or overcooked from a steam table.
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