Freekah Polenta?

I recently went to a restaurant that served lamb on a bed of freekah polenta. It was so yummy I want to recreate it for Valentine's dinner. I bought some Bob's Red Mill cracked freekah but i'm not sure where to go from here. Any ideas?

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Nancy June 10, 2018
Don't know how close this will be to your experience, but at least the recipe give ratios and method. After 1st time, you could adjust to taste.
And, btw, this one leaves the freekeh intact, not ground to powder.
asbrink June 8, 2018
Hi, any chance this was Kismet in LA? I was there last weekend and that dish was DELICIOUS and now I'm wondering the same thing! :D
hardlikearmour February 11, 2018
This is a guess, but I suspect if you pulse the dry freekeh in a food processor until it's a cornmeal texture you can cook it like polenta. Figuring out how much liquid to freekeh may take a little work -- I'd start with 2.5 parts liquid to 1 part freekeh then add more if needed.
Smaug June 8, 2018
Sounds like a plan, but (and this is a guess too) I think the freekeh will be more inclined to clump than corn would; it might be helpful to saute it with some oil before adding to liquid.
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