Cast iron pot why dose my food turn gray

Josh Estes


Alyssa March 11, 2018
Is the pot seasoned well with oil? I once left my cast iron pan in the oven waaaay too long trying to season it, all of the oil burned off, and the whole pan turned silver. I salvaged the pan, but the lack of oil/seasoning might impart some grey/silverish color to your food? But, Smaug's answer about using acid in the pan might also be the issue?
Smaug March 11, 2018
If you're cooking with acids (tomatoes and wine being the most likely) the acid will react chemically with the cast iron; I'm not sure if this will turn food grey, having been warned against it early in life, but it seems a good possibility. Also acids can turn some foods grey without the cast iron- green beans are the only one that springs to mind, but there are quite a few others.
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