I accidentally left steaks uncovered in my fridge 1-3C for 9 days they are dark red now with tan yellow fat the smell is not bad how do cook them

Jerry Swetlow
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Nancy May 4, 2018
Is there both your explicit question about how to cook and an implied question of safety?
For the safety,
* no bad smells or texture are good signs.
* you have strayed beyond normal keeping (about 4-5 days in fridge for raw beef).
* wait to hear from others here who know more,
* consult your (American county) extension department or university agricultural or home economics school for more safety info.
For taste and texture, 9 days begins to get into dry aging, which sometimes gives benefits and sometimes (in home fridge) picks up strange tastes. See this discussion at Serious Eats (Kenji, as usual, is nothing if not thorough).
If you decide it's safe to cook, or marginal and you're willing to risk it, cook with any method you would have used after only a few days.
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