I need the basic recipe for cooking rice in the Staub 1.5 Qt rice cooker!

Lynn B
  • Posted by: Lynn B
  • July 5, 2018


Smaug July 6, 2018
Not a question with a single answer, whatever you're cooking in. Brown rice typically takes more water and time than white. Long grain white (what I usually use) can be quite properly cooked with a range of proportions- I use anything from 1to1 to 1 1/2 to one, depending on the final result desired, and people go outside this range too- 2 to 1 if you like it wet. Things like soaking and washing the rice make a difference. Short grain rice is different too- I believe it's usually cooked pretty wet; my two main uses are paella and risotto, which are cooked uncovered and behave differently. You'll probably have to do some work to find what best suits you- given their price, I would assume the Staub pans seal well, so you may want to tend toward the low side of liquid estimates.
Lindsay-Jean H. July 6, 2018
Hi Lynn - a fellow Food52er gave a very detailed rundown of her method in the comments of this post: https://food52.com/blog/18638-what-to-cook-in-our-itty-bitty-pretty-staub-stovetop-rice-cooker
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