What has been your experience with freezing heavy (whipping) cream?

I know it's "safe" to do but does it change the viscosity or ability to whip up nicely to soft peaks or more?

Angela @ the well-worn apron


Angela @. March 9, 2011
Thanks for follow up ChefDaddy.
ChefDaddy March 9, 2011
This piqued my interest so overnight I put some in the freezer in a shallow pan and pulled it out this morning and let thaw at room temp (not planning on using) for a couple of hours. I just tried to whip it and the result was not good. So yes, you can freeze it. Use it for things other than whipping and you'll be ok.
Angela @. March 9, 2011
prettyPeas ... is Harold McGee saying "Yes, I can still whip" because I'm not sure how "jagged crystals" effect whipping. Clearly I need to learn more about kitchen chemistry. thanks.
prettyPeas March 9, 2011
Yes, according to Harold McGee milkfat globules, which form the structure of the bubbles in whipped cream, can be punctured by jagged crystals when the water component of cream freezes.
ChefDaddy March 9, 2011
Hmm...if after thawing the cream you find it has seperated as boulangere has stated could it be brought back like a broken creme sauce by adding just a little more cream.
boulangere March 8, 2011
fiveandspice is correct. Whipping it will be disappointing. Once you've effectively separated the water by freezing, you'll be wondering what you were thinking.
fiveandspice March 8, 2011
I've done it before and always find that when it defrosts mine is often sort of separated and has a slightly funny consistency. It has still worked perfectly fine in sauces, but I can't say that I have ever tried to whip cream that has been frozen. I'm guessing it won't work quite as well.
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