What can I do with butterscotch hard candies (besides eat them)?

Hello. I have an over-abundance of butterscotch hard candies leftover from a party. Is there something else I can do with them, besides just sucking on them? I'm considering crushing them into small pieces and using them in place of butterscotch candies, or even crushing them into a powder to sprinkle on popcorn and desserts. Any thoughts?

  • Posted by: KJR
  • October 18, 2018


Nancy October 18, 2018
I like Merrill's idea of crushing them into vanilla ice cream.
And/or make flavored vodka.
Merrill S. October 18, 2018
I'd crush them and mix them into vanilla ice cream for a rendition of New Zealand's favorite ice cream flavor: Hokey Pokey!
HalfPint October 18, 2018
You can probably melt them in cream and make ice cream. Or melt them in cream to make a sauce. Or melt down and toss with popcorn, or make popcorn balls.
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