Where should one brine a turkey when refridgerator space is tight?

I have a 12 lb bird and my brine recipe makes just under 2 gallons of liquid.

Kate Hartt


Alyssa November 20, 2018
If you live in the right climate (i.e. Minnesota), outside is a refrigerator! We just stick things in the snow outside ;)
MMH November 20, 2018
We live in Omaha and we have an enclosed porch. It’s our extra fridge (in addition to our beer fridge) at thangiving.
Brinda A. November 20, 2018
Hi Kate, if you don't have space in your fridge for a large pot, you can brine your turkey in a large oven roasting bag or jumbo zip-top bag, which allows you to surround the bird with liquid without needing a cumbersome vat. Do not use a trash bag (they aren't food-safe). For an added insurance policy against potential leaks (and if you have the space), put the bagged, brining turkey in the roasting pan you plan to use. Hope this helps—happy Thanksgiving!
Kate H. November 20, 2018
This is super helpful! Thank you!!!!
MMH November 20, 2018
I use the giant zip loc and put it in a cooler.
Brinda A. November 20, 2018
Hi Kate, finding out an answer and will be back to you shortly!
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